Joshua Gene Peterson!! Happy Birthday to my youngest son♥

New Tonka trucks make GREAT chairs!!

What a ham! Love that smile :)

Josh with his big brother Ryan♥

Awwwwww chubby baby cheeks! Life memories don't get much better than this!

Time for a buzz cut! Yes , that's me....lovely perm!

Time for the dentist! He's smiling? He must be fairly new to this! LOL

Josh grown up and always with the girls! I snagged these off of his facebook so I'm not sure who the girls are!

He really does have lots of pictures with girls!

Josh before a wedding last summer. He was an usher.

Oh look! Josh and..........another girl!

Josh and his baby nephew, Cutler (sorry so small!)

Another small one but I KNOW this girl! Her name is Kelsey and she used to date my son, Ryan. She's a cutie!

And finally, Josh with................... more pretty girls!
If you haven't figured it out yet, Josh is my little party animal. He loves to hang with his friends and seems to have many! He works as a gaming manager for a charity organization. He really likes his job.
Love you Josh and HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!♥
Happy Birthday, Josh! He's adorable - no wonder the girls like him...who can resist that smile!?! You must be so proud!! Hope you are having a great Monday! Hugs, Silke
P.S. I loved your Sunday night drawing!!
Happy Birthday Joshua!!
What a handsome man Darla!
Beautiful smile!!
Happy Birthday, Josh!! Darla I see a resemblance in your smiles.
Loved the perm!! :) I think we all have a perm picture somewhere in our past. Mine is horrible!!!!
Thank you for the compliment about my pictures :) I like yours too...lol, youre son probably doesnt like the "cheeks" picture, but once my eyes stumbled upon it, I just couldnt stop laughing. Oh, and I love your sketch! :)
He must be a great friend and so pleased he has a great job that he enjoys so much!
Oh Happy Birthday Josh! What a cutie-patootie he was (and is) He looks like such a happy young man :-)
Happy Birthday Joshua!!! what a wonderful post Darla!!! I also love the photo montage...wonderful memories!!!
Happy birthday Josh. Talk about handsome.
Hi Darla, Happy Birthday to your son Josh! Wow...very handsome young man he is to! I know that you must be so proud of him! I just loved your pictures if him...very sweet! Hope your day is a good one.
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