Dale's little buddy, Sammy was killed on Saturday :( They live on a farm and had just walked up to the end of the driveway to get the mail. For some strange reason Sammy did not follow Dale back right away. He just kind of meandered and Dale called for him to 'come!' and he was on his way and then he darted off towards the road. This little 12 lb. min pin felt the need to chase an Avalanche pickup pulling a boat! Poor Sammy didn't know what hit him. What makes me SO angry is the driver did not slow down or stop, but actually increased his speed to get the heck out of there! Dork!
I'm so sad about this. Dale and I used to tease each other about who had the smarter, prettier, most wonderful dog. I, of course, would tell him German Shepherds are REAL dogs and he would tell me daily about Sammy's fur 'like velvet!'
It was a constant, fun ribbing between the two of us.
Sammy loved to lift his leg and pee on my car tires. Drove me crazy. I'd see him go near my car and I'd say, 'Sammy! Don't you dare!' and he's stop and act like he was respecting my wishes. Then he'd sneak off around the other side of the car for a bit. Suddenly he'd appear again and spin out his little back legs like he was so proud and 'all done' with his duty. I'd go check and sure enough.......wet tire! Grrrrrrrr
Honestly, I'd gladly let him pee on my tires if he were only here now. Poor little guy. R.I.P. Sweet Sam♥
On a brighter note, I had a great Etsy weekend! I sold 5 items! I've got this wonderful customer who keeps coming back. I love her!♥
And.....remember sledge hammer week? Well I finally got my little patio somewhat together. I'm hoping to decorate it better next summer since this summer is coming to an end shortly. But it looks so much better than what it did look like! I might put up a little privacy panel and it will be my little cozy haven! Yeah!!
Saturday I went with a friend to see Julie & Julia. I'm not sure I can recommend it or not. It was 'ok' but I think I was expecting more comedy? Still, it was cute.
I'm SO behind on checking your blogs! Our company (yearly) audit is coming to an end so I'm hoping to get caught up here soon!
Miss you all,
Oh, Darla, it always makes me feel so sad when I hear of someone's doggie companion passing on. (As I type this, Winslow is barking at me sending his love.) We've been through it twice and it's so hard, yet it hasn't kept me from loving another canine friend all over again! I hope so will Dale!
Your little patio looks wonderful - I am sure it'll be a wonderful haven for you.
And congrats on the sales. That's wonderful!!
Love, Silke
Sooo very sorry about Sammy, Darla!! What an awful driver! How and why some people are behaving like this? Can't stop wonder.
Lots of love and a BIG hug,
Sanda xx
I feel so bad for Sammy, poor thing!
5 sales in one weekend... congratulations on that! That is great! The patio looks like a great place to relax!
I am so sorry to hear about little Sammy. He sounded like a beautiful friend to have.
Congrats on your sales!
Great job with the patio :)
Get me so angry to read or listen that things like that still happen...and really sad...I'm so sorry too for your Sammy...
congrats on the sales!!! Your patio looks fabulous!!!
I'm sorry to here about Sam :o(
Hi Darla!!! so sorry to hear about Sammy....that is aweful!!!
great to hear about your Etsy Sales!!! that is wonderful...
I'm sooo sorry! I can't believe that driver didn't even stop! that's just awful.
Poor Sammy, what a cutie he was! I hate to hear things like that makes me so angry and sad.
I know what it feels like, take care.
OH NO....poor Sammy....I feel bad for Dale that he has lost his buddy too. Some people can be so heartless but I do believe karma will catch up with the driver of the pick-up.
On the brighter note, congratulations on your ETSY sales and WOW, what a lovely patio! I think a privacy wall would make it all the more cosy and relaxing.
I haven't been able to access much at all on the internet for the past three days due to my darling sons using up all my monthly download quota so my server decreased us back to almost dial-up speeds...it has been torture, I can tell you! I have fallen behind on checking in with all my bloggy friends too but, thankfully, we have our higher speeds back now so I will also try to catch up...YAY!
You know, we put our hearts out there and sometimes they are broken easily, but the time we get to spend with these wonderful little creatures is the best! I hope Sammy didn't feel any pain. And I'm so very sorry for your friend. It is a sad sad day. Just be there for him and hopefully, his pain will allow another fur-baby in his life.
I'm sorry to hear that and the person didn't stop, that is horrible.
Darla I have to tell you that I got the most beautiful painting in the mail and I am very excited to frame it.
It is gorgeous and even more beautiful in real life.
I love it.
Love Renee xoxo
That is so sad! I get so scared around cars. My heart goes out to Sammy and his family. I actually had a scare yesterday with my dog. My husband dropped her leash across the street from the park and she dashed bc she knew where she was. I jumped and grabbed the back of her skin to stop her. She would have been hit because there was about 20 cars coming. I wouldn't know what to do.
Oh, poor doggy. Sounds like he wished to pee on this wagon has he thought he owned your car.
Must be a terrible sadness.
I had a dog that got run over while I was around 11 years old, even though he had been hit by a car, he was dragging his legs to get home, but never made it to our gate.
We called him ferret. He also had a kennel outside for days when we went out has a family.
The following year after his death. In the snow there was little foot prints down our garden path and into the kennel and none coming out or any dog in there.
We knew Ferret had come home.
Sweet doggies, they are all beautiful. Sending my love you with your loss of a loved dear pet.
Darla, I am so pleased for your Etsy sales, this sounds awesome!
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