Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!

I thought I'd share with you a primitive santa that I painted a couple of years ago. This is a 10 x 10 x 1.5 canvas with cinnamon tea stained muslin for his beard. Lots of mica flakes sprinkled and some metallic buttons.
This is Terrye French inspired Santa! If you like primitive, you probably already know of her, but if you're just now finding yourself drawn to the magic, please visit her lovely blog♥

I'm going to work on a snowman tonight that I designed this morning. (I was up at 4:30 again!) ugh

I'm 'hoping' to do one painting and possibly print out the design on fabric to create a few little ornaments. Wish me luck! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh Darla,
He is just darling! He just shouts out "Christmas"!
Love him. I love prim too!
I love either Prim or Victorian.
Anything that creates a statement!
Hugs, Darlene xo

KeKe said...

I like that!! I thought the beard was fabric ;)

I can't wait to see what your new painting looks like~

Lori Allberry said...

OMG Darla!!!! You didn't mention this little guy today!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him!!!!!

I'm seeing him, and I'm singing, I'm sitting here seeing him and I'm siiiiiinginggggggg! He is beautiful, and I'm singing!!!!
(check out my last post!) ;o)

I do love him though!
I'm sorry you are having a heck of a time with your sleep lately! Poor girl!


Jasmine said...

I love it Darla. Might have a go at making something too. My daughter is the right age to love it :)

Createology said...

What a wonderful santa and it is the simplicity of the painting with his tea-stained fabric beard that is so peaceful. It in no way represents the hustle and bustle of this season. Well done! :o)

Luthien Thye said...

gosh!! he's awesome! it's mixed media isn't it ... he's lovely all the same :))

Micki Wilde said...

Oh, how sweet is that beard?!! He's adorable!!

Micki x

Kelly Lish said...

This is so cute-I'm so glad you posted him! I love old primitive santas!

Victorian Lady said...

I LOVE this!!


BumbleVee said...

all of the snowmen are great Darla...

boy, can I relate to insomnia.... up early.. go to bed late...still don't feel tired and still just toss around and can't go to sleep. Then, about suppertime some days it's all I can do to keep my eyes open while preparing it...but, don't want to nap because then it is 4 am before I fall asleep. But, usually, if I struggle through mealtime, I get a second wind and am good to go til 2:00 am and no point in lying down... my legs and feet get hot.... my brain seems in overdrive..I can't get comfy....sometimes a song keeps going around in there and I flit from thought to thought...can't quiet it AT all.......arrrgghhh.... some nights I just want to whack myself on the head with a bit rubber hammer! Sleeping pills seem such a good idea....but, then... the doctors don't want to give us those either...for various reason... and nothing over the counter works for me.... sigh.....
I'm back to working out diligently each day and if I keep that up...usually I sleep pretty decently one or two nights of the week.....