Look who popped in on Christmas Eve!! Yes, it's Santa and the Mrs. and of course, Buddy~the elf! We so enjoyed their visit!!

Cailee looks just a LITTLE happy here! Cailee knows the scoop on Santa but she still had fun. Especially since Santa is her 5th grade teacher! *wink*

Nora loved the visit too! She knows Santa exists but was still curious who this guy 'really' was that stopped by :)

And then it was Cutler's turn! He watched quietly as the girls got their turn on Santa's lap and we weren't quite sure if he'd dare when it was his turn, but no problem! When Santa called his name, he RAN and jumped into his lap! So cute!

This is my oldest son, Derek and my friend, Dale. I need to request that people pose for pictures more often instead of trying to catch candid shots like this. Dale has a death grip on his wine and looks as if he's concerned someone might just come and take it away from him!

My middle son Ryan holding his nephew Cutler. Cailee and her mom, Jeni are also pictured here.

My youngest son, Josh :)

My Dad, Ordell. He just turned 75!
And now for a few of the 2009 Blizzard Alvin that dumped about 20 inches of snow in our area over the holiday weekend!

This is my shrub outside the window.

Mieko is sitting by the window here longing to go play (sink) in the new white stuff!

My wonderful son (Ryan) drove to my Dad's house and loaded up his snowblower so he could clean a walkway from the house to the street and the driveway. My boss stopped over with the company payloader and cleaned out the driveway.
This storm was a doozy! On Saturday morning my furnace quit so I got bundled up and went to the south side of the house and sure enough......6' snow drifts covering my vents! I had to stand in snow up to my privates :) and start shoveling a drift that was taller than me! I got the snow away from the vents and the furnace returned to it's normal duties and all was well again in my world.
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas surrounded by family and friends and the love they bring! I'm excited for the New Year! My head is full of new goals and challenges! I always get excited about the new possibilities that await!
Wishing you all the very best!!